PT. Korin Jaya has just join CFCD ( Corporate Forum For Community Development) program that spearheaded by Disnakertrans district of Semarang. One of CFCD Program is ” Rumah Tidak Layak Huni” (RTLH). PT. Korin Jaya This time help renovation house of Mbah Sutimah, 75 years old, Kaliulo Pringapus. PT Korin jaya give cash worth Rp 10 million to Mbah Sutimah. Assistance has given to Mr Mundjirin as regent of Semarang, and then Mr Mundjirin giving those assistance to Mbah Sutimah.Mr Mundjirin said currently there are about 30 thousand units RTLH in Semarang regency. Semarang district government has allocated funds for the repair RTLH thousand in 2017’s.